Project duration 2017 - 2022

Slovenia, 31th August 2022
Alion Institute visited an exhibition» Slovenian biodiversity. "The exhibition was created in the framework of the Life Naruraviva – Art Of Life project. The word ‘biodiversity' is becoming a common term, describing the unbelievable diversity of life on Earth. It does not refer only to different species, but also to the variety of specimens of every species and the astounding variety of habits.

Davorin Tome. Miha Krofel. Marjan Antrak. Tihomir Makovec.
Tilen Genov. Dan Briski. Peter Gedei. Jure Novak. Arne Hodalic. Polona Gorisek. Jost Stergarsek

In recent decades, we have noticed that the Earth's biodiversity is declining, populations are shrinking, species are disappearing and new species are developing. Do we want to live in conditions that will make it more difficult for us to survive than it is today?

Biodiversity is one of the world's most precious and noble features. It is an essential component of ecosystem services on which we all depend. Slovenia has among the highest European biodiversity, which is not sufeficiently recognized and therefore not sufficiently appreciated.
Davorin Tome. Miha Krofel. Marjan Antrak. Tihomir Makovec.
Tilen Genov. Dan Briski. Peter Gedei. Jure Novak. Arne Hodalic. Polona Gorisek. Jost Stergarsek
The main goal of project Life Naturaviva is to uncover the exceptional natural values of Slovenia, show their importance, and provide information about their upcoming threats. Special attention is offered to endemic and endangered species.
The Biodiversity of Slovenia exhibition was created as part of the project Life Naturaviva – Art of Life.

This project was carried out by the National Institute of Biology with other partners like Goricko Nature Park. Kozjansko regional park. Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park. Lutra-Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage. Triglav National Park, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Notranjska Regional Park, University of Ljubljana. Grm Novo Mesto-Center of Biotechnics and Tourism.

At the end of August 2022, the project LIFE NATURA VIVA, Biodiversity—the art of life, was completed, the main goal of which was to raise public awareness of biotic diversity.

Davorin Tome. Miha Krofel. Marjan Antrak. Tihomir Makovec.
Tilen Genov. Dan Briski. Peter Gedei. Jure Novak. Arne Hodalic. Polona Gorisek. Jost Stergarsek